JUBILEE SYSTEMS LIMITED is an ICT company with head office in Abuja. By setting up advanced customer relations machinery, we are able to reach across most of the economic sectors and across major cities in Nigeria
At Jubilee Systems, we do not believe in re-inventing the wheel. We simply evaluate our clients’ businesses and recommend the best IT solutions and practices. In this advisory and consultancy role, we help our clients to reduce the head ache involved in managing their businesses in today’s complex business environment. We build on trust, our most important tool.
To enable us achieve our mission, we have in our employ, experienced & tested staff who are experts in their own fields. We also have formed strategic partnerships with major industry players in the sub-domains of systems design, software development, hardware sales & maintenance and computer training
He consults for several SMEs on IT implementation and systems. He has over 10 years’ experience in web design using Adobe Dreamweaver and Fireworks.
A Tech enthusiast. He has experience building scalable web applications including websites, PWA, CMS... He speaks Laravel, Javascript, Python and has experience using REST APIS, Git Version-control and TDD.